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what does it mean to be in a union

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Definition of spousal relationship


the act of uniting two or more things.

the land of existence united.

something formed by uniting two or more than things; combination.

a number of persons, states, etc., joined or associated together for some common purpose: student matrimony; credit marriage.

a group of states or nations united into 1 political trunk, as that of the American colonies at the time of the Revolution, that of England and Scotland in 1707, or that of U.k. and Ireland in 1801.

the Union. the United states of america: The Marriage defeated the Confederacy in 1865.

a device emblematic of marriage, used in a flag or ensign, sometimes occupying the upper corner next to the staff or occupying the entire field.

the act of uniting or an example of being united in marriage or sexual intercourse: an ideal union; an illicit marriage.

an arrangement of workers; a labor union.


  1. Besides called bring together, logical sum, sum. the set consisting of elements each of which is in at to the lowest degree one of 2 or more given sets. Symbol: ∪
  2. the to the lowest degree upper spring of two elements in a lattice.

the procedure or result of merging or integration of disjoined, severed, or fractured elements, as the healing of a wound or broken bone, the growing together of the parts in a found graft, the fusion of pieces in a welding procedure, or the like.

the junction or location at which the merging process has taken place.

any of diverse contrivances for connecting parts of mechanism or the similar.


  1. a fabric of two kinds of yarn.
  2. a yarn of ii or more fibers.



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Origin of union

1400–50; late Middle English <Heart French <Late Latin ūniōn- (stem of ūniō), equivalent to Latin ūn(us) i + -iōn--ion

synonym written report for union

1. Union, unity agree in referring to a oneness, either created by putting together, or by being undivided. A union is a country of beingness united, a combination, as the result of joining two or more things into ane: to promote the union between ii families; the Union of England and Scotland. Unity is the state or inherent quality of being one, single, individual, and indivisible (often equally a issue of union): to observe unity in diversity; to requite unity to a work of art. 5. Encounter alliance.


Words nearby wedlock

uninvited, uninviting, uninvolved, uniocular, uniocular hemianopsia, union, union buster, union card, union catalog, spousal relationship catalogue, union church building

Other definitions for union (2 of 2)


[ yoon-yuhn ]

/ ˈyun yən /

Definition of union


a township in NE New Jersey.

a city in NW Due south Carolina. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

How to employ union in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for union (1 of ii)

Definition of union


the status of existence united, the act of uniting, or a conjunction formed by such an act

an association, alliance, or confederation of individuals or groups for a common purpose, esp political

agreement or harmony

the human action or state of marriage or sexual intercourse

a device on a flag representing union, such as some other flag depicted in the top left corner

a device for coupling or linking parts, such as pipes

(oft capital letter)

  1. an clan of students at a university or college formed to wait after the students' interests, provide facilities for recreation, etc
  2. the building or buildings housing the facilities of such an organization

Also called: join maths a ready containing all members of two given sets. Symbol: ⋃, every bit in A⋃B

(in 19th-century England)

  1. a number of parishes united for the administration of poor relief
  2. a workhouse supported by such a combination

textiles a slice of textile or fabric consisting of two different kinds of yarn

(modifier) of or related to a union, esp a trade marriage

Give-and-take Origin for union

C15: from Church building Latin ūniō oneness, from Latin ūnus 1

British Lexicon definitions for union (2 of two)

Definition of union

substantive the Wedlock


  1. the union of England and Wales from 1543
  2. the union of the English language and Scottish crowns (1603–1707)
  3. the marriage of England and Scotland from 1707
  4. the political spousal relationship of Great Great britain and Ireland (1801–1920)
  5. the marriage of U.k. and Northern Ireland from 1920


  1. the United States of America
  2. the northern states of the The states during the Civil State of war
  3. (as modifier) Union supporters

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for union

Definition of union


The joining or affiliation of ii or more than bodies.

The structural adhesion of the edges of a wound.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Visitor.

Scientific definitions for union

Definition of marriage

A set whose members vest to at least i of a group of two or more than given sets. The union of the sets {1,2,3} and {3,4,five} is the ready {1,two,3,four,5}, and the union of the sets {half-dozen,7} and {xi,12,thirteen} is the set {six,7,11,12,13}. The symbol for matrimony is . Compare intersection.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Cultural definitions for union

The Us; peculiarly the northern states during the Civil War, which remained with the original U.s.a. government. (Compare Confederacy.)

The New Lexicon of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
