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Slipt and I Fell for Back and Slipped Again Lyrics




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skid i


v. slipped, slip·ping, slips

v. intr.


a. To motility smoothly, hands, and quietly: slipped into bed.

b. To move stealthily; steal: slipped out the dorsum door.


a. To escape, as from a grasp, fastening, or restraint: slipped out of the wrestler'due south concur.

b. To put on or remove a piece of vesture smoothly or quietly: slipped into a nightgown; slipped out of the shirt.


a. To slide involuntarily and lose ane's balance or foothold. See Synonyms at slide.

b. To move accidentally out of place or fail to proceeds traction: The gear slipped.


a. To laissez passer gradually, easily, or imperceptibly into a different state: He slipped into a coma.

b. To refuse from a one-time or standard level; autumn off: The senator's popularity has slipped.

c. To elapse, especially chop-chop or without notice: The days slipped by.

5. To fall into error or error. Oft used with upwardly.

five. tr.


a. To place or insert smoothly and quietly: She slipped the letter of the alphabet into her pocket.

b. To insert (a remark, for case) unobtrusively: managed to slip his criticisms in before the end of the meeting.

2. To put on or remove (clothing) hands or speedily: slip on a sweater; slipped off her shoes.


a. To get loose or free from; elude: slipped his pursuers.

b. To fail to exist remembered past: Her name slips my retentivity.


a. To release, loose, or unfasten: slip a knot.

b. To unleash or free (a dog or hawk) to pursue game.

5. To requite birth to prematurely. Used of animals.

half dozen. To dislocate (a bone).

7. To pass (a knitting sew) from one needle to some other without knitting it.


1. The deed or an case of slipping or sliding.

2. An accident or mishap, especially resulting in a autumn.


a. An error in conduct or thinking; a mistake.

b. A slight error or oversight, every bit in speech or writing: a slip of the tongue.

4. Nautical

a. A docking place for a transport betwixt two piers.

b. A slipway.

5. Nautical The divergence betwixt a vessel's actual speed through water and the speed at which the vessel would move if the spiral were propelling confronting a solid.


a. A woman'south undergarment of wearing apparel length with shoulder straps.

b. A half-slip.

seven. A pillowcase.

8. Geology

a. A smooth crack at which stone strata take moved on each other.

b. A small fault.

c. The relative deportation of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a error.

nine. The deviation between optimal and actual output in a mechanical device.

10. Movement between two parts where none should exist, equally between a caster and a belt.

eleven. A sideways movement of an aeroplane when banked as well far.

Phrasal Verb:

slip abroad

one. To depart without being noticed: We slipped away before the presentation was over.

2. To die gradually or peacefully.

3. To disappear or become unavailable: Don't let the opportunity slip away.


requite (someone) the slip Slang

To escape the pursuit of.

let slip

To say inadvertently.

slip one over on Informal

To hoodwink; trick.

[Middle English slippen, probably of Heart Low German or Middle Dutch origin; encounter lei- in Indo-European roots.]

slip ii



ane. A part of a establish cut or cleaved off for grafting or planting; a scion or cutting.

two. A long narrow piece; a strip.

3. A slender youthful person: a slip of a kid.

4. A small slice of paper, especially a small class, certificate, or receipt: a deposit sideslip.

5. A narrow pew in a church.

tr.five. slipped, slip·ping, slips

To make a sideslip from (a plant or establish part).

[Probably from Centre Low German or Centre Dutch slippe.]

slip iii



Thinned potter'south clay used for decorating or blanket ceramics.

American Heritage® Lexicon of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb, slips, slipping or slipped

1. to motility or cause to move smoothly and easily

2. (tr) to place, insert, or convey quickly or stealthily

3. (tr) to put on or have off easily or quickly: to skid on a sweater.

iv. (intr) to lose balance and slide unexpectedly: he slipped on the ice.

v. to let loose or be let loose

6. to be released from (something); escape

vii. (Nautical Terms) (tr) to let go (mooring or anchor lines) over the side

eight. (when: intr, ofttimes foll by from or out of) to laissez passer out of (the listen or memory)

9. (tr) to overlook, neglect, or miss: to slip an opportunity.

10. (intr) to movement or pass swiftly or unperceived: to skid quietly out of the room.

11. (sometimes foll past: upward) to make a mistake

12. (Aeronautics) As well: sideslip to cause (an shipping) to slide sideways or (of an aircraft) to slide sideways

13. (Medicine) (intr) to pass up in health, mental ability, etc

14. (Pathology) (intr) (of an intervertebral disc) to become displaced from the normal position

15. (Pathology) (tr) to dislocate (a bone)

16. (Zoology) (of animals) to give nativity to (offspring) prematurely

17. (Knitting & Sewing) (tr) to pass (a run up) from one needle to another without knitting it

18. (Automotive Engineering)

a. (tr) to operate (the clutch of a motor vehicle) and so that it partially disengages

b. (intr) (of the clutch of a motor vehicle) to neglect to engage, esp as a issue of article of clothing

xix. let slip

a. to let to escape

b. to say unintentionally

20. slip one over on slang to hoodwink or trick


21. the act or an instance of slipping

22. a mistake or oversight: a slip of the pen.

23. a moral lapse or failing

24. (Clothing & Fashion) a woman's sleeveless undergarment, worn as a lining for and to give support to a clothes

25. (Nautical Terms) United states and Canadian a narrow space betwixt two piers in which vessels may dock

26. (Nautical Terms) See slipway

27. (Zoology) a kind of canis familiaris lead that allows for the quick release of the domestic dog

28. (Tools) a small block of hard steel of known thickness used for measurement, ordinarily forming ane of a set

29. (Mechanical Applied science) the ratio betwixt output speed and input speed of a transmission device when subtracted from unity, esp of a drive belt or clutch that is non transmitting full ability

30. (Cricket) cricket

a. the position of the fielder who stands a niggling way behind and to the offside of the wicketkeeper

b. the fielder himself

31. (Geological Science) the relative movement of rocks along a fault aeroplane

32. (Concrete Geography) a landslide, esp 1 blocking a road or railway line

33. (Chemical science) metallurgy crystallog the deformation of a metallic crystal caused when ane office glides over some other part forth a plane

34. (Full general Physics) the deviation of a propeller from its helical path through a fluid, expressed as the departure betwixt its bodily forward motion and its theoretical forward motion in i revolution

35. (Automotive Engineering science) another name for sideslip1

36. give someone the slip to elude or escape from someone

[C13: from Eye Low German language or Dutch slippen]

ˈslipless adj




one. a narrow slice; strip

2. a small slice of paper: a receipt slip.

3. (Botany) a part of a plant that, when detached from the parent, volition grow into a new plant; cutting; scion

4. a immature slender person: a slip of a child.

5. (Animals) dialect a young pig

half-dozen. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing

a. a long galley

7. (Ecclesiastical Terms) chiefly US a pew or like long narrow seat

viii. (Tools) a small piece of abrasive material of tapering section used in honing

vb, slips, slipping or slipped

(Botany) (tr) to detach (portions of stem, etc) from (a plant) for propagation

[C15: probably from Center Low German language, Center Dutch slippe to cut, strip]




(Ceramics) clay mixed with water to a creamy consistency, used for decorating or patching a ceramic piece

[Old English slyppe slime; related to Norwegian slipa slime on fish; see slopi]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Entire, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. slipped, skid•ping,
n. v.i.

i. to move or get smoothly or easily; glide; slide.

2. to slide suddenly and accidentally: He slipped on the icy basis. The cup slipped from her hand.

iii. to pass without having been acted upon or used, as an opportunity.

4. to expire or pass quickly or imperceptibly (often fol. by away or by): The years slipped by.

5. to become involved or absorbed easily: to slip into a new way of life.

six. to motion or go quietly or unobtrusively: to slip out of a room.

seven. to put on or take off a garment hands or quickly.

viii. to make a mistake or mistake (often fol. by upwardly).

9. to turn down; deteriorate: His piece of work slipped final year.

10. to be said or revealed inadvertently (often fol. past out): The words merely slipped out.

xi. (of an aircraft when excessively banked) to slide sideways, toward the middle of the bend described in turning. Compare skid (def. 12).


12. to crusade to motion, pass, go, etc., with a shine or sliding motion.

13. to put, pass, insert, etc., quickly or stealthily: to sideslip a letter of the alphabet into a person's hand.

14. to put on or accept off (a garment) easily or quickly: to slip a robe on.

15. to let or make (something) slide out of a fastening, agree, etc.: I slipped the lock, and the door opened.

16. to release from a leash, harness, etc., as a hound or a hawk.

17. to get away or gratis oneself from; escape (a pursuer, restraint, etc.): The cow slipped its halter.

xviii. to untie or undo (a knot).

nineteen. to let go entirely, as an anchor cable or an ballast.

20. to laissez passer from or escape (one's memory, attention, etc.).

21. to put out of joint or position: I slipped a disk in my dorsum.

22. to shed or bandage, every bit a skin.


23. an act or instance of slipping.

24. a sudden, accidental slide.

25. a mistake or blunder, as in speaking or writing, esp. a modest, careless ane.

26. an error in acquit; indiscretion.

27. a decline or autumn in quantity, quality, extent, etc.: a slip in prices.


a. a woman'south undergarment, usu. having shoulder straps and extending down to the hemline of the outer clothes.

b. an underskirt, as a half-slip or petticoat.

29. a pillowcase.

xxx. an inclined plane, sloping to the water, on which vessels are built or repaired.

31. a space betwixt 2 wharves or in a dock for vessels to lie in.

32. unintended movement or play between mechanical parts or the like.

33. Cricket.

a. the position of a fielder who stands behind and to the offside of the wicketkeeper.

b. the fielder playing this position.

34. Geol.

a. the relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a error, measured along the mistake plane.

b. a small fault.

35. plastic deformation, past shear, of a metallic crystal.


i. give someone the slip, to elude a pursuer; escape from someone.

2. let slip, to reveal unintentionally.

iii. slip of the tongue, a fault in speaking, as an inadvertent remark.

[1250–1300; (v.) Centre English slippen < Middle Dutch slippen, c. Old High German slipfen; (n.) tardily Centre English slippe, derivative of or akin to the v.]



n., five. slipped, slip•ping. n.

1. a pocket-sized paper form on which information is noted: a banking company withdrawal sideslip; a correction slip.

ii. a piece suitable for propagation cutting from a plant; scion or cutting.

iii. whatever long, narrow piece or strip, equally of wood, newspaper, or land.

4. a young person, esp. one of slender form: a mere skid of a girl.

5. a long seat or narrow pew in a church.


6. to accept slips or cuttings from (a institute).

7. to take (a function), as a sideslip from a constitute.

[1400–50; belatedly Middle English slippe < Middle Dutch slippe flap (of a slice of article of clothing)]




a creamy clay solution used for blanket or decorating ceramic biscuit.

[before thou; Middle English slyppe, Former English language slype semiliquid mass]

Random Business firm Kernerman Webster'southward College Lexicon, © 2010 G Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- As in pottery, it derives from Norwegian sideslip/slipa, "slime on fish."

Meet also related terms for pottery.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: slipped
Gerund: slipping
I skid
y'all sideslip
he/she/it slips
we slip
y'all sideslip
they skid
I slipped
you slipped
he/she/it slipped
we slipped
you slipped
they slipped
Nowadays Continuous
I am slipping
y'all are slipping
he/she/information technology is slipping
nosotros are slipping
you are slipping
they are slipping
Present Perfect
I have slipped
y'all accept slipped
he/she/it has slipped
we take slipped
you take slipped
they have slipped
Past Continuous
I was slipping
you were slipping
he/she/it was slipping
we were slipping
y'all were slipping
they were slipping
By Perfect
I had slipped
you had slipped
he/she/it had slipped
nosotros had slipped
you had slipped
they had slipped
I volition slip
you will sideslip
he/she/it will slip
we volition slip
you lot will skid
they will skid
Hereafter Perfect
I will have slipped
you will have slipped
he/she/it volition have slipped
we will have slipped
y'all will have slipped
they will have slipped
Futurity Continuous
I volition be slipping
you lot volition be slipping
he/she/information technology volition be slipping
we will be slipping
you will exist slipping
they will exist slipping
Present Perfect Continuous
I accept been slipping
you take been slipping
he/she/information technology has been slipping
we accept been slipping
you have been slipping
they have been slipping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will take been slipping
you will have been slipping
he/she/information technology volition take been slipping
we volition have been slipping
you will accept been slipping
they will have been slipping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been slipping
you had been slipping
he/she/information technology had been slipping
we had been slipping
you lot had been slipping
they had been slipping
I would slip
you would skid
he/she/it would slip
nosotros would slip
yous would slip
they would slip
Past Conditional
I would have slipped
you would have slipped
he/she/information technology would take slipped
we would have slipped
you would have slipped
they would take slipped

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


Dirt in liquid form, used for casting, joining, or decoration.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited


A slip (also sometimes called a scoop, scraper, or route scraper) was the mutual implement for moving dirt when doing such things as earthworks ponds or making fills where large volumes of dirt were needed. Slips came in several sizes, only would normally scoop up most a quarter of a cubic one thousand of dirt at a time, and were pulled by two horses. The ane shown above is in the dumped position.

1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You lot Didn't Know past West.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by West.R. Runyan

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Fable:

Substantive one. slip - a socially awkward or tactless act skid - a socially awkward or tactless act

faux pas, gaffe, solecism, gaucherie

blooper, blunder, boo-boo, botch, boggle, flub, foul-up, pratfall, bloomer - an embarrassing mistake

2. slip - a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc. slip - a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in voice communication or writing or in small accidents or retentivity lapses etc.

parapraxis, slip-upwardly, miscue

error, fault, mistake - a incorrect action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention; "he fabricated a bad mistake"; "she was quick to point out my errors"; "I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults"

Freudian skid - a slip-up that (according to Sigmund Freud) results from the functioning of unconscious wishes or conflicts and can reveal unconscious processes in normal healthy individuals

three. slip - potter'southward clay that is thinned and used for coating or decorating ceramics

potter's clay, potter's world - clay that does not contain whatever fe; used in making pottery or for modeling

four. slip - a role (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting


quickset - cuttings of plants set in the ground to grow as hawthorn for hedges or vines; "a quickset of a vine planted in a vineyard"

stalk, stem - a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ

v. sideslip - a immature and slender person; "he's a mere slip of a lad"

spring chicken, young person, younker, youth - a young person (particularly a young man or male child)

6. slip - a place where a craft can be made fast skid - a identify where a craft tin can be made fast

mooring, berth, moorage

anchorage basis, anchorage - identify for vessels to ballast

7. slip - an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall sideslip - an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall; "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"


fall, tumble, spill - a sudden driblet from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice"

misadventure, mischance, mishap - an instance of misfortune

viii. slip - a slippery smoothness slip - a glace smoothness; "he could experience the slickness of the tiller"

slick, slipperiness, slickness

smoothness - a texture without roughness; polish to the touch; "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs"; "some artists prefer the smoothness of a board"

nine. sideslip - artifact consisting of a narrow flat slice of material


artefact, antiquity - a man-fabricated object taken every bit a whole

band - a thin flat strip of flexible fabric that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body)

ring, band - a strip of textile attached to the leg of a bird to identify information technology (every bit in studies of bird migration)

ring - a thin flat strip or loop of flexible cloth that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or equally a decoration

cramp iron, cramp - a strip of metal with ends bent at right angles; used to hold masonry together

reef - one of several strips across a canvass that tin exist taken in or rolled up to lessen the area of the canvas that is exposed to the air current

leading, lead - thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing

mullion - a nonstructural vertical strip between the casements or panes of a window (or the panels of a screen)

typewriter ribbon, ribbon - a long strip of inked fabric for making characters on paper with a typewriter

screed - an accurately levelled strip of material placed on a wall or floor as guide for the fifty-fifty awarding of plaster or concrete

stay - a thin strip of metal or os that is used to stiffen a garment (eastward.g. a corset)

tab - a short strip of material fastened to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it; "pull the tab to open up the tin"; "files with a red tab will be stored separately"; "the collar has a tab with a button pigsty"; "the filing cards were organized by cards having indexed tabs"

record - a long thin piece of textile or paper as used for binding or fastening; "he used a piece of record for a chugalug"; "he wrapped a tape around the package"

weather condition strip, weather stripping, weatherstrip, weatherstripping - a narrow strip of textile to encompass the joint of a door or window to exclude the cold

10. slip - a pocket-size canvass of paper; "a receipt slip"

sideslip of paper

piece of paper, canvas of paper, canvas - newspaper used for writing or printing

11. slip - a woman's sleeveless undergarment slip - a adult female's sleeveless undergarment

chemise, shimmy, teddy, shift

shoulder strap, strap - a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag

undergarment, unmentionable - a garment worn under other garments

12. slip - bed linen consisting of a embrace for a pillow; "the infiltrator carried his loot in a pillowcase"

pillow slip, pillowcase, case

bed linen - linen or cotton articles for a bed (as sheets and pillowcases)

13. sideslip - an unexpected slide

slip, skid

glide, coast, slide - the human activity of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it; "his slide didn't finish until the bottom of the hill"; "the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope"

14. slip - a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air


plane maneuver, flight maneuver - a maneuver executed by an aircraft

15. slip - the act of avoiding capture (particularly past cunning)

eluding, elusion

evasion - the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver

Verb 1. slip - move stealthily; "The ship slipped away in the darkness"


move - motion so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his paw slightly to the right"

elapse, glide by, go by, slide past, skid past, sideslip away, get along, pass, lapse - laissez passer past; "three years elapsed"

2. skid - insert inconspicuously or speedily or quietly; "He slipped some coin into the waiter's paw"

put in, stick in, inclose, insert, introduce, enclose - introduce; "Insert your ticket here"

iii. slip - move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner; "the wheels skidded against the sidewalk"

slide, slue, slew, sideslip

submarine - move forward or under in a sliding move; "The kid was injured when he submarined under the prophylactic belt of the machine"

slip - slide without command; "the auto skidded in the curve on the wet road"

side-slip - slide sideways through the air in a downward management in an plane along an inclined lateral axis

glide - move smoothly and effortlessly

slip upwardly, trip up, stumble - brand an mistake; "She slipped up and revealed the name"

4. skid - get worse; "My grades are slipping"

drop away, fall away, driblet off

refuse, worsen - grow worse; "Weather in the slum worsened"

backslide, lapse - driblet to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards

five. skid - move smoothly and easily; "the commodities slipped into place"; "water slipped from the polished marble"

escape, get abroad, break loose - run abroad from confinement; "The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison"

elapse, glide by, go past, slide past, sideslip past, slip away, continue, laissez passer, lapse - laissez passer by; "three years elapsed"

slip away, sneak away, sneak off, sneak out, steal away - leave furtively and stealthily; "The lecture was tedious and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard"

6. slip - to make a mistake or be incorrect slip - to make a error or be incorrect

err, error

misremember - recollect incorrectly; "I misremembered the date"

slip upwards, trip upward, stumble - brand an fault; "She slipped upwards and revealed the proper noun"

misjudge - judge incorrectly

fall for - be deceived, duped, or entrapped by; "He roughshod for her charms"; "He fell for the con human'due south story"

slip upwards, trip up, stumble - make an error; "She slipped upward and revealed the name"

vii. sideslip - pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"


mitt, pass on, turn over, pass, reach, give - place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Plough the files over to me, delight"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"

8. slip - move easily; "slip into something comfortable"

movement - movement so equally to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his manus slightly to the correct"

ix. slip - cause to move with a smooth or sliding motion; "he slipped the bolt into place"

movement, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or identify, both in a physical and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The managing director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"

10. slip - pass out of 1's retentiveness

sideslip 1's mind

bare out, describe a bare, forget, block - be unable to remember; "I'm drawing a blank"; "You lot are blocking the name of your first wife!"

eleven. slip - motility out of position; "dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip articulation luxated and had to exist put back surgically"

dislocate, luxate, splay

move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or identify, both in a physical and in an abstruse sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my coin to another bank"; "The director moved more than responsibilities onto his new assistant"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.




1. fall, trip (over), slide, skid, lose your balance, miss or lose your footing Exist conscientious not to slip.

3. sneak, creep, steal, gradient, sidle, move stealthily, ghost, insinuate yourself She slipped downstairs and out of the house.


1. mistake, failure, error, blunder, lapse, omission, boob (Brit. slang), oversight, skid-upwards (breezy), indiscretion, bloomer (Brit. informal), imitation pas, slip of the natural language, imprudence In that location must be no slips.

sideslip away

2. die, expire, pass away, buy it (U.S. slang), bank check out (U.S. slang), perish, boot it (slang), croak (slang), requite up the ghost, go belly-up (slang), snuff it (slang), peg out (informal), kick the saucepan (slang), buy the subcontract (U.Due south. slang), peg it (breezy), death, cark information technology (Austral. & North.Z. slang), pop your clogs (informal), breathe your terminal, hop the twig (slang) He just slipped away in my artillery.

skid something on put on, don, apparel in, pull on, climb into, alter into, go dressed in I slipped on something more than comfortable and went downstairs.



Collins Thesaurus of the English Linguistic communication – Complete and Entire 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly:

2. To move silently and furtively:

pitter-patter, glide, lurk, mouse, cruise, pussyfoot, skulk, slide, slink, snake, sneak, steal.

3. To lose i's balance and fall or almost fall:

Idiom: accept a skid.

iv. To shift or be shifted out of place:

5. To maneuver gently and slowly into identify:

6. To free from ties or fasteners:

seven. To get abroad from (a pursuer):

Idiom: give someone the shake.

8. To bring forth a nonviable fetus prematurely:

9. To readapt (a bone) from a socket or articulation:

Idiom: throw out of joint.

ten. To pass up, as in value or quantity, very gradually:

xi. To make an fault or mistake:

12. To undergo moral deterioration:

phrasal verb
slip into

To put (an commodity of wear) on i's person:

phrasal verb
sideslip on

To put (an clothing) on i'due south person:

phrasal verb
sideslip up

To make an error or mistake:


1. An human activity or thought that unintentionally deviates from what is right, correct, or true:

The American Heritage® Roget'south Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. All rights reserved.


إنْزِلاق تَنّورة تَحْتانِيَّة زَلَّه، هَفْوَهقُصَاصَةقُصاصَة وَرَق

uklouznout chybička spodnička dok klouznout

glide underkjole lap seddel smutte

alushame lappu liukastua virhe

komadić kombine omaška poskliznuti se

dráttarbraut, slippur hraka hrösun laumast, smeygja sér mistök

スリップ 伝票 滑る 間違い

미끄러지다 슬립 실수 전표

aizsardzība atbrīvoties elliņš iebāzt ieslidināt

chybička kombiné pošmyknúť sa pošmyknutie vykĺznuť

košček napaka smukniti spodrsljaj vtakniti

felsteg halka papperslapp underkjol

เศษกระดาษ ข้อผิดพลาดเล็กๆ น้อยๆ ชุดชั้นในของผู้หญิง ลื่นไถลไป

mảnh quần lót nữ sơ suất trượt



A. North

7. (Cricket) (usu pl) la posición posterior derecha del receptor (si el bateador es diestro) ocupada por los defensores de campo en un partido de críquet

8. slips (Theat) the slipsla galería

10. (in pottery) arcilla que se ha mezclado con agua hasta estar cremosa


3. (= escape from) the dog slipped its neckbandel perro se soltó del collar
to slip anchor levar anclas
one or two facts may accept slipped my memory puede que algún que otro dato se me haya olvidado
I meant to practise information technology but information technology slipped my heed lo quise hacer pero se me olvidó or se me pasó
the ship could skid its moorings al barco podrían soltársele las amarras

v. (Aut) [+ clutch] → soltar

6. (Knitting) [+ run up] → pasar (sin hacer)

D. CPD slip route N (on throughway) → vía f de acceso
slip stitch N (Knitting) → punto m sin hacer

slip away VI + ADV

three. (= laissez passer past) [fourth dimension, opportunity] = sideslip by

skid downward VI + ADV

one. [food, potable] this wine slips down a treateste vino sienta de maravilla

2. (= go apace) I'll just slip down and become itbajo un momento y lo traigo

3. (= fall) [object] → caerse
she had slipped down in her chairse había dejado caer en su silla

sideslip in

A. VT + ADV [+ comment, give-and-take] → incluir

slip off

A. VT + ADV [+ clothes, shoes, ring] → quitarse

slip on VT + ADV [+ clothes, shoes, ring] → ponerse

slip out Vi + ADV [person] → salir un momento
to slip out (to the shops)salir united nations momento (a las tiendas); [remark, secret] I didn't mean to say information technology - it just slipped outno quería decirlo, pero se me escapó

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




to skid sb's mind
It slipped my mind → J'ai oublié.

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(= mistake)Ausrutscher m, → Patzer thousand; to make a (bad) slip sich (übel) vertun (inf), → einen (ganz schönen) Bock schießen (inf); a slip of the penein Flüchtigkeitsfehler chiliad; a slip of the natural languageein Versprecher m; information technology was just a sideslip of the penda habe ich mich nur verschrieben; at that place's many a slip ('twixt cup and lip) (Prov) → human soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben (Prov), → zwischen Lipp und Kelchesrand (schwebt der finstern Mächte Hand) (liter)

to give somebody the slip (inf: = escape) → jdm entwischen

(= undergarment)Unterrock m; waist slip Halbunterrock k; full-length slip Unterkleid nt

(of paper)Zettel m; slips of newspaperZettel pl; withdrawal slip Auszahlungsschein m; sales slip Kassenzettel m

(Hort, for planting) → Steckling 1000; (for grafting) → Reis nt

(Cricket, = position/area) Position/Gebiet neben dem Torwächter (= fielder)Eckmann m

slips pl (Theat) → Bühnenloge f

(Pottery) → geschlämmter Ton

(Aviat, = side-slip) → Schlipp one thousand


(= reject: standards, morals etc) → fallen; you're slipping! (inf)du lässt nach (inf)




nSchlippstek yard (spec)


pl (likewise sideslip-on shoes)Slipper pl



Collins German language Dictionary – Complete and Entire 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Lexicon 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(slip) past tense, past participle slipped verb

1. to slide accidentally and lose 1'south residue or basis. I slipped and fell on the path. gly يَتَزَحْلَق подхлъзгам (се) escorregar (u)klouznout ausrutschen glide γλιστρώ resbalar libisema رها شدن liukastua glisser לְהַחֲלִיק फिसल जाना okliznuti se, poskliznuti se (el)csúszik tergelincir renna, hrasa, skrika scivolare すべる 미끄러지다 paslysti []slīdēt tergelincir uitglijden skli, gli, miste fotfeste poślizgnąć się ښوئيدل: ځان ايستل، ښوى وتل: هيريدل، له ياده وتل: شوى وتل (له لاسه لكه ماهى): تيروتل: لويدل، كېوتل (لكه نرخ escorregar a alu­neca поскользнуться pošmyknúť sa zdrsniti okliznuti se halka ลื่นไถล ayağı kaymak 滑跤,滑倒 ковзати; посковзнутися پھسلنا trượt, tuột 滑跤,滑倒

two. to slide, or drib, out of the right position or out of control. The plate slipped out of my grasp. glip يَنْزَلِق изплъзгам (се) escorregar vyklouznout gleiten smutte γλιστρώ resbalar (välja) libisema سر خوردن liukua glisser entre les doigts לְהִישָמֵט फिसल या गिर जाना iskliznuti kicsúszik terlepas smjúga, renna scivolare, sfuggire すべり落ちる 미끄러져 떨어지다 išslysti, išsprūsti izslīdēt terlepas glijden glippe wyślizgnąć się ښوئيدل soltar-se a-i scăpa printre degete соскальзывать, выскальзывать vyšmyknúť sa zdrsniti iskliznuti slinta ทำให้ไถลไป kaymak, sıyrılmak 滑落 вислизнути; зісковзнути توازن کھو دینا thoát, tuột ra khỏi 滑落

3. to drop in standard. I'thou distressing about my mistake – I must be slipping! aandag verloor يَنْزِل في المُسْتَوى правя неволна грешка baixar de nível uklouznout, splést se sich irren blive dårligere λαθεύω, χάνω decaer, empeorar langema سهو كردن tehdä virhe décliner, baisser לְהִתדַרדֵר स्तर में गिरावट griješiti iz nemara (meg)téved merosot hraka peggiorare, うっかりする (질, 양 등이) 저하하다 nusivažiuoti, darytis niekam tikusiam pasliktināties merosot afglijden forverre, skli ut, miste fotfeste obniżać loty, opuszczać się خطا کول baixar de nível a fi în declin, a coborî совершать промах vykĺznuť, urobiť chybu, (s)chybiť, zmýliť sa, prerieknuť sa popustiti pogrešiti tappa stilen (greppet) พลาด beklenen düzeyin altına düşmek 疏忽,犯(小)錯誤 пропустити; недоглядіти معیار گرنا không được khỏe, nhanh nhẹn, tỉnh táo như mọi ngày 疏忽,犯(小)错误

4. to movement quietly especially without being noticed. She slipped out of the room. uitsluip يَنْسَلُّ خِفْيَةً изплъзвам (се) deslizar vytratit se schlüpfen smutte γλιστρώ escabullirse, escurrirse lipsama جيم شدن livahtaa sortir לְהִתגַנֵב सरकना, फिसलना šmugnuti (ki)oson menyelinap laumast, smeygja sér (sgusciare via) こっそり動く 살짝 조용히 움직이다 išslinkti izslīdēt; paslīdēt menyelinap sluipen slippe ubemerket bort wymykać się هيريدل deslizar a se furişa выскользнуть vytratiť sa smukniti iskrasti se smyga, slinka ไปอย่างเงียบและรวดเร็ว sıvışmak, usulca ...-ivermek 溜掉 прослизнути; вислизнути خاموشی سے بڑھنا chạy qua 溜掉

v. to escape from. The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared. ontsnap يَهْرُب مِن измъквам (се) soltar-se vyklouznout abstreifen smutte væk fra ξεγλιστρώ, διαφεύγω soltarse, escaparse lahti pääsema, põgenema فرار كردن paeta se dégager de qqch. לַחֲמוֹק भाग जाना umaknuti megszökik melepaskan diri sleppa, losna sfuggire 逃げる 도망치다 ištrūkti iš izrauties; atbrīvoties; izbēgt melepaskan diri zich losmaken unnslippe, slippe bort fra zrywać się z تښتیدل soltar-se a se elibera (din) снимать, стягивать vykĺznuť izmuzniti se pobeći komma loss från หลบหนี kurtulmak 掙脫 зірватися з بچ نکلنا lẻn, lủi, lẩn 挣脱

6. to put or pass (something) with a quick, light motility. She slipped the letter dorsum in its envelope. terugsteek, insteek يُدْخِل بِسُرْعَه пъхвам (се) enfiar vsunout gleiten lassen stikke χώνω στα κλεφτά, φορώ βιαστικά pasar, deslizar libistama سريع حركت دادن sujauttaa glisser לְהַחֲלִיק सरकाना brzo, vješto turiti (be)csúsztat memasukkan renna, smeygja infilare さっと入れる (~을) 빠르고 가볍게 집어넣다 įkišti iebāzt; ieslidināt memasukkan laten glijden stikke, liste wsuwać تیز حرکت کول enfiar a aluneca незаметно вложить/передать vsunúť vtakniti krišom staviti sticka, smyga ใส่อย่างง่ายและรวดเร็ว usulca yerleştirmek 塞入 швидко засунути چپکے سے منتقل کرنا، کھسکا دینا đút nhanh, nhét gọn 塞入


1. an act of slipping. Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path. gly إنْزِلاق подхлъзване escorregão uklouznutí das Ausrutschen fald γλίστρημα resbalón, traspiés, tropezón libisemine لغزش liukastuminen false pas החלקה फिसलन okliznuće, pad (el)csúszás kecelakaan tergelincir hrösun scivolone すべること 미끄러짐 paslydimas paslīdēšana tergelincir uitglijding skliing poślizgnięcie لرزه escorregadela eroare скольжение pošmyknutie spodrsljaj klizanje halkning, slintning การไถล kayıp düşme ковзання پھسلنے کا عمل sự trượt chân

2. a usually small error. Everyone makes the occasional skid. glips زَلَّه، هَفْوَه пропуск deslize chybička der Flüchtigkeitsfehler smutter μικρολάθος, παραδρομή desliz aps خطا lipsahdus gaffe טעות गलती omaška, pogreška botlás kekhilafan mistök errore, lapsus あやまち 작은 실수 apsirikimas, klaida kļūda; pārskatīšanās; pārrakstīšanās u.tml. kesilapan kecil vergissing feiltrinn, lapsus pomyłka اشتباه deslize gafă ошибка; оговорка chybička spodrsljaj omaška misstag, felsteg ความผิดพลาด ufak hata, sürçme 疏忽 помилка; промах چھوٹی سی غلطی sự sơ suất 疏忽

3. a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat. onderrok تَنّورة تَحْتانِيَّة комбинезон saiote kombiné; spodnička der Slip underkjole μεσοφόρι, κομπινεζόν combinación kombinee زيرپوش زنانه alushame combinaison תחתונית अधोवस्त्र kombine kombiné rok dalam undirkjóll/-pils sottabito スリップ 여성의 속치마 apatinukas kombinē kain dalam onderjurk underkjole halka زیر پیراهنی saiote combinezon, jupon нижнее белье; комбинация kombiné; spodnička kombineža podsuknja underklänning, underkjol ชุดชั้นในของผู้หญิง kombinezon 襯裙(等)內衣 нижня спідниця, сорочка اندرونی لباس áo gối, coócxê 衬裙(等)内衣

4. (besides ˈslipway) a sloping platform side by side to water used for edifice and launching ships. sleephelling مِزْلَقَة السُّفُن кей rampa dok dice Reling bedding ναυπηγική κλίνη rampa elling سرسره براي به آب انداختن luiska cale מִדרוֹן בְּנִייָה पोत के निर्माण एवं जलावतरण के लिए ढलानदार मंच koso zemljište na kojem se grade ili popravljaju brodovi, navoz sólya peluncuran dráttarbraut, slippur (scalo di costruzione) 造船台 (수중으로 기운) 조선대 (造船臺) slipas, stapelis elliņš; stāpelis peluncuran scheepshelling slipp, bedding pochylnia اوبه ته اچول rampa cală стапель dok dok platforma slip ท่าปล่อยเรือ kızak (船塢中的)滑台 стапель جہاز بنانے کے لیے تعمیر کیا گیا ڈھالو ڈھانچا bến tàu, chỗ đóng tàu (船坞中的)滑台

ˈslipper substantive

a loose, soft kind of shoe for wearing indoors. insteekskoen خُف، شِبْشِب пантоф chinelo pantofel der Pantoffel slippers παντόφλα zapatilla suss, tuhvel كفش راحتي tohveli pantoufle נַעַל בַּיִת मुलायम जूता papuča, lagana ženska cipela papucs pantofel inniskór pantofola スリッパ (실내용) 슬리퍼 šlepetė rītakurpe; čība selipar pantoffel tøffel pantofel سليپر (بوټان chinelo papuc (de casă) комнатная туфля papuča copata papuča toffel รองเท้าสวมเดินในบ้าน terlik 拖鞋 кімнатна туфля; пантофля گھر میں پہننے کے ہلکے جوتے dép lê 拖鞋

ˈslippery adjective

1. so smoothen every bit to cause slipping. The path is slippery – watch out! glibberig زَلِق хлъзгав escorregadio kluzký glatt glat γλιστερός resbaladizo, resbaloso libe لغزنده liukas glissant חלקלק फिसलन भरा slizak, klizak csúszós licin sleipur scivoloso すべりやすい 미끄러운 slidus slidens licin glad glatt, sleip śliski ښوينده، ښوى: چالباز، چمباز، چالاك escorregadio alu­ne­cos скользкий klzký, šmykľavý spolzek klizav hal, glatt ลื่น kaygan 滑的 слизький پھسل جانے والا trơn, khó nắm giữ 滑的

ii. not trustworthy. He'south rather a slippery graphic symbol. glibberig مَكّار، مُراوِغ несигурен traiçoeiro úskočný aalglatt upålidelig αναξιόπιστος que no es de fiar ebausaldatav حقه باز epäluotettava fuyant חלקלק दुराचारी nepozdan, sumnjiv megbízhatatlan licik háll, óáreiðanlegur disonesto, ingannevole 当てにならない 믿을 수 없는 slidus, nepatikimas slidens; neuzticams licik glibberig upålitelig, sleip śliski, niepewny چالباز traiçoeiro alunecos ненадёжный úskočný, úlisný, prefíkaný nezanesljiv nepouzdan hal, slipprig ไม่น่าเชื่อถือ güvenilmez, kaypak 不可靠的,不可信任的 ненадійний نا قابل اعتبار không đáng tin cậy 不可靠的

ˈslipperiness substantive

glibberigheid مَكْر، مُراوَغَه ненадежност caráter escorregadio kluzkost die Schlüpfrigkeit upålidelighed ολισθηρότητα cualidad de resbaladizo/escurridizo libedus حقه بازي liukkaus caractère glissant/fuyant חֲלַקלַקוּת फिसलन, फिसलाहट kliskost csúszósság; megbízhatatlanság keadaan licin hálka scivolosità; disonestà すべりやすさ 미끄러움 slidumas slidenums kelicinan gladheid glatthet, sleiphet śliskość چالبازی carácter escorregadio caracter alunecos скользкость klzkosť spolzkost klizavost glatthet, slipprighet ความลื่น kayganlık; güvenilmezlik 圓滑 слизькість پھسلن tính chất trơn, sự không đáng tin cậy 圆滑

sideslip road

a road for joining or leaving a motorway. afrit, oprit طَريق اتِّصال مع أو إنفِصال عن طريق سيّارات سَريع страничен път estrada de acesso nájezd; sjezd der Zubringer tilkørselsvej; frakørselsvej παρακαμπτήριος σε αυτοκινητόδρομο pista de aceleración kiirteele juhtiv tee, kiirteelt maha juhtiv tee ورودي و خروجي بزرگراه ramppi bretelle d'accès מחלף सर्पी सड़क prilazna cesta, izlazna cesta (na ili due south autoceste) bekötőút, lehajtó(ág/sáv) jalan masuk/keluar aðrein (corsia d'accesso) 進入・退出路 (고속도로 출입) 램프 šalutinis kelias pievedceļš jalan masuk/keluar oprit, afrit på-/avkjøringsvei zjazd, wjazd دخول او خروجی estrada de acesso обходныи путь, объезд objazd; vjazd; výjazd dovoz/izvoz z avtoceste traka za usporavanje påfarts-, avfartsväg ถนนที่มาเชื่อมต่อหรือแยกจากทางด่วน yan yol 交流道 з'їзд; під'їздна дорога شاہ راہ سے نکلنے یا اس میں داخل ہونے کے لیے چھوٹی سڑک đường nhánh, đường phụ 叉道

ˈslipshod adjective

(of work etc) untidy; careless. The teacher told him his work was slipshod. onnet غَيْر مُرَتَّب، غَيْر مُتْقَن немарлив desmazelado nedbalý schlampig sjusket τσαπατσούλικος, απρόσεκτος descuidado, chapucero lohakas سر هم بندي شده huolimaton négligé מְרוּשָל लापरवाह neuredan, nemaran hanyag tidak rapi hroðvirknislegur disordinato ずさんな 단정치 못한 aplaidus, apgrabus nevīžīgs; paviršs tidak rapi slordig sjusket niechlujny بيباك، بې پروا: كرغيړن، چټل: هغه بوټو نه چې جګې پوندې نه لري desmazelado neglijent неряшливый, небрежный nedbanlivý, neporiadny zanikrn površan slarvig, hafsig, vårdslös สะเพร่า gelişigüzel, baştan savma 馬虎的 недбалий, неохайний بے اصول ، بے قاعدہ bất cẩn, cẩu thả 马虎的

give (someone) the skid

to escape from or avoid (someone) in a secretive way. The crooks gave the policemen the slip. ontsnap van يَهْرُب او يَتَجَنَّب سِرّا измъквам се escapulir utéci entwischen smutte fra ξεφεύγω από κπ. dar esquinazo a alguien (kellegi käest) minema lipsama گريختن livahtaa karkuun fausser compagnie à לְהִישָמֵט से छुटकारा पाना pobjeći kome meglóg vki elől meloloskan diri komast undan, stinga (due east-north) af seminare 逃げる (~누구를) 따돌리다 išsisukti, pabėgti aizmukt; aizšmaukt no melepaskan diri ontglippen stikke av fra, fordufte wymknąć się تښتیدل escapulir a-i scăpa cuiva printre degete улизнуть от (кого-л.) utiecť izmuzniti se iskrasti se smita undan från ngn หลบหนี kaçmak, elinden kurtulmak 乘不備時溜掉 відриватися کسی کے قبضے سے نکل بھاگنا lẩn trốn ai 乘不备时溜掉

let sideslip

1. to miss (an opportunity etc). I let the chance skid, unfortunately. verby laat gaan يُفَوِّت الفُرْصَه изпускам шанс deixar fugir nechat (si) ujít sich entgehen lassen gå glip af αφήνω να μου ξεφύγει dejar escapar mitte tabama, mööda laskma مفت از دست دادن päästää käsistään laisser passer לָתֵת לוֹ לַחֲמוֹק अवसर इत्यादि गंवा देना propustiti elszalaszt melepaskan missa af lasciar scappare つかみそこなう (기회 등을) 놓치다 pražiopsoti palaist garām (izdevību) melepaskan voorbij laten gaan gå glipp av, gi slipp på przepuścić له لاسه ورکول deixar fugir a lăsa să-i scape упустить возможность nechať si ujsť izpustiti propustiti försumma, missa พลาด elinden kaçırmak 錯過機會 впустити کھو دینا bỏ lỡ một cơ hội 错过机会

2. to say (something) unintentionally. She let slip some remark well-nigh my daughter. onbedoeld sê يَقول عن غَيْر قَصْد изпускам (забележка) deixar cair uklouznout (někomu) herausrutschen lade falde μου ξεφεύγει, ξεστομίζω ακούσια escapársele algo a uno üle huulte lipsama از دهان پريدن lipsauttaa laisser échapper לִפלוֹט अनजाने में कुछ कह देना omaknuti se elkottyant terlanjur bicara glopra út úr sér lasciar scappare うっかり言う (무심코 ~을) 입밖에 내다 (kam) netyčia išsprūsti, leptelėti izpļāpāt; izpļāpāties terlanjur bicara zich verspreken la falle palnąć له لاسه ورکول deixar cair a spune fără intenţie сорваться с языка ukĺznuť (niekomu), uniknúť zagovoriti se omaći se låta undfalla sig, slinka ur ngn พูดอย่างไม่ตั้งใจ ağzından kaçırmak 無意中說出 зриватися نا دانستہ طور پر کچھ کہنا nói cái gì không cố ý 无意中说出

skid into

to put on (wearing apparel) quickly. She slipped into her nightdress. aantrek, vinnig aantrek يَرْتَدي بِسُرْعَه пъхвам се vestir vklouznout schlüpfen in hoppe i φορώ στα γρήγορα ponerse (riideid) selga tõmbama به تن انداختن pukea nopeasti ylle enfiler לִלבּוֹש מַהֵר तेजी से कपड़े पहनना uskliznuti (u odjeću) be(le)bújik memakai pakaian bregða sér í infilarsi さっと着る (웃을) 후딱 입다 šmurkštelti į ātri uzvilkt; ieslīdēt (tērpā) memakai pakaian aanschieten hoppe/smette i klærne narzucić na siebie اوبه ته اچول vestir a-şi pune repede быстро надевать vkĺznuť smukniti v brzo obući krypa i สวมอย่างรวดเร็ว çabucak giymek, giyivermek 匆忙穿上 накинути جلدی سے کپڑے پہننا mặc quần áo nhanh chóng 匆忙穿上

slip off

1. to take (clothes) off apace. Skid off your shoe. uittrek يَخْلَعُ الملابِس بِسُرْعَه свалям tirar zout, vysvléci ausziehen smide βγάζω στα γρήγορα quitarse (riideid) seljast kiskuma, ära võtma در آوردن سريع لباس riisua nopeasti ôter לִפשוֹט מַהֵר तेजी से कपड़े इत्यादि उतारना skinuti, brzo svući ledob magáról menanggalkan pakaian fara úr togliersi さっと脱ぐ (웃을 후딱) 벗다 nusimesti, nusiauti ātri novilkt; nomest (apģērbu) menanggalkan snel uittrekken vrenge av seg klærne, kle raskt av seg zsunąć, zrzucić z siebie کالی پوښل tirar a scoate, a arunca быстро скинуть vyzuť, vyzliecť hitro sleči skinuti brzo slänga av ถอดออกอย่างรวดเร็ว çabucak çıkarmak 匆忙脫掉 скинути جلدی سے اتارنا tuột ra khỏi 匆忙脱掉

2. to motility abroad noiselessly or hurriedly. We'll slip off when no-i's looking. weggaan, wegsluip يمْشي بِسُرْعَه وبدون ضَجَّه изплъзвам се escapar-se vytratit se entwischen liste af; smutte væk ξεγλιστρώ escaparse minema lipsama مخفيانه رفتن häippäistä s'esquiver לַחֲמוֹק चुपचाप बढ़ना iskrasti se, skliznuti lelép menyelinap pergi skjótast, laumast andarsene そっと立去る 슬그머니 서둘러 떠나다 dingti, išslinkti aiziet nepamanītam; aizlavīties menyelinap pergi wegglippen slippe ut/vekk wymykać się غلا تلل escapar-se a o şterge ускользнуть vytratiť sa izmuzniti se pomeriti se smyga [sig] i väg (undan) ออกไปเงียบ ๆ sıvışmak, tüymek 悄悄(或急匆匆)走掉 вислизнути اچانک بنا بتائے رخصت ہونا lẻn, lẩn 悄悄(或急匆匆)走掉

slip on

to put on (clothes) quickly. vinnig aantrek يَرْتَدي الملابِس بِسُرْعَه нахлузвам vestir hodit na sebe überstreifen hoppe i φορώ στα γρήγορα ponerse kiiresti riidesse panema با سرعت به تن كردن pukea nopeasti ylle enfiler לִלבוֹש מַהֵר तेजी से कपड़े पहनना brzo navući (odjeću) bebújik memakai pakaian bregða sér í infilarsi さっと着る (웃을) 후딱 입다 užsimesti ātri uzvilkt; uzmest (apģērbu) memakai pakaian aanschieten hoppe/smette i klærne wkładać کالی پوښل vestir a îmbrăca repede, a-şi pune în grabă (o haină etc.) быстро надеть hodiť na seba hitro obleči brzo se obući slänga på sig รีบสวม çabucak giyinmek, giyivermek 匆忙穿上 накинути پھٹا پھٹ کپڑے پہننا mặc vội vào 匆忙穿上

slip upward to make a mistake; to fail to exercise something: They certainly slipped upwardly badly over the new appointment (noun ˈslip-up)

foutjie maak, glips maak يُخْطِئ، لا يُنَفِّذ сбърквам cometer um deslize zmýlit se; selhat einen Fehler machen fejle κάνω λάθος, αποτυγχάνω να κάνω κτ. equivocarse, cometer united nations error eksima, vääratama اشتباه كردن tehdä virhe gaffer; gaffe טעות गलती करना spoticati se, posrtati baklövést követ el membuat kesalahan gera mistök (fare una gaffe) しくじる 실패하다 apsirikti, suklysti, prašauti pro šalį kļūdīties membuat kesilapan een fout maken gjøre et feiltrinn, dumme seg ut popełnić omyłkę اشتباه کول cometer um deslize gafă) совершить ошибку pomýliť sa, zlyhať zmotiti se; napaka pogrešiti dabba sig, göra en tabbe ทำความผิดพลาด hata yapmak, yanılmak 犯錯誤,失誤 помилитися غلطی کرنا mắc lỗi, thất bại 犯错误,失误


(slip) noun

a strip or narrow slice of paper. She wrote downwards his telephone number on a slip of paper. strokie قُصاصَة وَرَق къс tira proužek der Streifen lap λωρίδα χαρτί papelito, trocito de papel pabeririba تكه كاغذ lappu tour פתק कागज का टुकड़ा komadić papira, traka cédula secarik kertas strimill, miði pezzo, striscia 紙片 가늘고 긴 조각 종이, 전표 skiautelė strēmele secarik kertas strook papirstrimmel/-lapp świstek, pasek د کاغذ توتی tira bucăţică полоска бумаги prúžok listič ceduljica remsa, lapp แผ่นกระดาษ pusula 紙條 смужка پرچہ، پرزہ miếng giấy nhỏ 纸条

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 1000 Dictionaries Ltd.


قُصَاصَة, قَمِيصٌ تَـحْتِيٌ, هَفْوَة, يَنْزَلِقُ chybička, spodnička, uklouznout, útržek fejltrin, glide, seddel, underkjole ausrutschen, Schnitzer, Unterhose, Zettel ατόπημα, γλιστρώ, μεσοφόρι, φύλλο χαρτιού combinación, equivocación, papelito, recibo, resbalar alushame, lappu, liukastua, virhe bout, gaffe, glisser, jupon komadić, kombine, omaška, poskliznuti se errore, fogliettino, scivolare, sottoveste スリップ, 伝票, 滑る, 間違い 미끄러지다, 슬립, 실수, 전표 misstap, slipje, strookje, uitglijden glipp, skli, slipp, underskjørt halka, kartka, pomyłka, wysunąć się combinação, engano, escorregar, escorregar-se, tira, tira de papel клочок, комбинация, ошибка, скользить felsteg, halka, papperslapp, underkjol เศษกระดาษ, ข้อผิดพลาดเล็กๆ น้อยๆ, ชุดชั้นในของผู้หญิง, ลื่นไถลไป hata, kaymak, külot, not kağıdı mảnh, quần lót nữ, sơ suất, trượt 滑倒, 纸片, 衬裙

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

English-Castilian Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


north resbalón one thousand; Freudian — lapsus freudiano; vi (pret & pp slipped ; ger slipping ) resbalar(se)

English-Spanish/Castilian-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
