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What Does Star Wars Fallen Order Deluxe Edition Come With

Second Sister Source: EA

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order finally gave us the single-player experience we've been wanting for years. If you're one of the many who have picked it up and are just jumping into the game — or you're trying your hand at its Jedi Grandmaster difficulty — we have some guides and tips to make your journey as smooth as possible throughout the galaxy. Now go out there and become a Jedi.

In our review, we called Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order "the Star Wars game we've all been waiting for" and "a masterful Star Wars adventure."

Use the Force

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order box art

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Keep the Jedi alive after Order 66.

Step into the shoes of Padawan Cal Kestis as he evades Inquistitors hunting down Jedi throughout the galaxy. Using the Force may give you away, but it also might just be the only thing that'll save your life.

Tips for starting off your adventure

holomap Source: EA

It's a big galaxy out there, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has a lot to offer in the way of exploration, customization, and combat. Whether you want to get the coolest looking lightsaber possible or need to know a little bit about the different enemy types you can encounter, look no further. Read up on what you'll need to start your adventure off strong.

  • Beginner's tips and tricks
  • A guide to all Imperial enemies
  • How to get the double-bladed lightsaber
  • How to get all lightsaber colors
  • How to repair your Scomp Link

How to beat each boss on Jedi Grandmaster difficulty

Cal fighting purge trooper Source: EA

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a lot like Dark Souls. The bosses are unforgiving, and there is little room for error. This rings doubly true when you play on Jedi Grandmaster difficulty. Your timing on parries and blocks needs to be precise lest an enemy kill you in a few blows. We have guides on how to defeat each boss in the game on this difficulty so it should make your lives a bit easier. But make no mistake, you'll still be in for a challenge.

  • How to beat the Oggdo Bogdo
  • How to beat the Security Droid
  • How to beat the AT-ST
  • How to beat the Albino Wyyyschokk
  • How to beat the Rabid Jotaz
  • How to beat the Ninth Sister
  • How to beat the Gorgara
  • How to beat the Nydak Alpha
  • How to beat Taron Malicos
  • How to beat Trilla Sudari
  • How to beat Bounty Hunters and Droids

Use the Force

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order box art

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Keep the Jedi alive after Order 66.

Step into the shoes of Padawan Cal Kestis as he evades Inquistitors hunting down Jedi throughout the galaxy. Using the Force may give you away, but it also might just be the only thing that'll save your life.

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What Does Star Wars Fallen Order Deluxe Edition Come With
