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Funny Book Covers for New Elementary Teachers

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 · 49 ratings  · 22 reviews
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Dash fan
Aug 13, 2017 rated it it was amazing
5☆ Witty, Teachers really will really relate to this book.

Teachers - the struggle is real, is an amusingly witty account of the life of teaching, through teachers eyes.

The book is divided into 12 short chapters each chapter consisting of a short explanation of the chapter followed by insider thoughts, feelings and emotions.

For example... Chapter 6... School Supplies
Page 67....
'Sharpened pencils, brand new Expo markers, no line at the copy machine, and....and....and....

5☆ Witty, Teachers really will really relate to this book.

Teachers - the struggle is real, is an amusingly witty account of the life of teaching, through teachers eyes.

The book is divided into 12 short chapters each chapter consisting of a short explanation of the chapter followed by insider thoughts, feelings and emotions.

For example... Chapter 6... School Supplies
Page 67....
'Sharpened pencils, brand new Expo markers, no line at the copy machine, and....and....and....

Most teachers will tell you stationery is everything! Laminating is a must especially  when doing display boards and the photocopier is your best friend!
Oh and not running out of board markers as half the time they dry out!

How do I know this... I am a qualified nursery nurse working with children aged 0-6yrs
I spent many a time at the photocopier and laminating.
Unfortunately due to health and disability I had to give up the job I love the most.

This book is very funny, sarcastic, witty and relatable.
However it is a tongue in cheek book that is the insight to a teachers world.

The back of the book states that:
'Bored Teachers advocates all teachers finding humor in the frustration, exhaustion and complexity that come with the profession'.

It deals with end of terms, start of terms, marking, lesson plans, an abundance  of coffee, after school staff meetings, stationery, governing reports and those are just a few!

I really enjoyed reading this book. It had me laughing out loud and reminiscing.

The chapters are short, each page is brightly coloured making the words jump right off the page!
It's very easy to follow and the little illustrations are fun and eye catching!

I highly recommend this book to Teachers, all school staff including other child care providers.

Also i do think it is a good read for everyone as if you went to school I'm sure you can remember the teachers you loved and those you didn't like as much. This will open your eyes to the thoughts and feelings of those teachers.


I received this book from the Publisher for free via Netgalley, in which I voluntarily reviewed.

[Shai] Bibliophage
While reading this graphic novel, I remember that I was offered thrice to be a teacher/instructor before. I can handle teaching just not the baggage teaching has like being patient to your students; I was born without an ounce of patience that's why being a teacher is way out of my league.

I have a lot of respect to our teachers because teaching and handling students at the same time is quite an arduous task. I know that several of them got a lot of sense of humor, they just don't show it especia

While reading this graphic novel, I remember that I was offered thrice to be a teacher/instructor before. I can handle teaching just not the baggage teaching has like being patient to your students; I was born without an ounce of patience that's why being a teacher is way out of my league.

I have a lot of respect to our teachers because teaching and handling students at the same time is quite an arduous task. I know that several of them got a lot of sense of humor, they just don't show it especially while in class, and it is apparent in this book. Usually, teacher's salary isn't enough for all the workload and stress they have to endure; so maybe they just made a good laugh about it rather than moping in the corner. I like several anecdotes in this book and one of them is: My students call me teacher, but I like to think of myself as "Breeder of tomorrow's leaders." Just sounds more precise.

Aug 15, 2017 rated it really liked it
Being a retired teacher, I can relate to this book very well. The only thing that did not fit for me is that Canadian teachers are paid very well. Indeed, I spend a lot of that money on supplies for my classroom, books, gifts for my students as well as snacks for those who forgot their lunches. The multitude of comments about cold coffee, washroom breaks (not), paperwork and meetings definitely hit home. I can laugh at them now, but not so much when I was dealing with it. I absolutely loved the Being a retired teacher, I can relate to this book very well. The only thing that did not fit for me is that Canadian teachers are paid very well. Indeed, I spend a lot of that money on supplies for my classroom, books, gifts for my students as well as snacks for those who forgot their lunches. The multitude of comments about cold coffee, washroom breaks (not), paperwork and meetings definitely hit home. I can laugh at them now, but not so much when I was dealing with it. I absolutely loved the chapter about "the apple not falling far from the tree". Boy, did I ever have those moments over my 33 year career. The layout of the book is nice. The twelve short chapters with a nice introduction before the one-liners and thoughts of teachers was a great way to put this book together. This is a laugh out loud book that every new teacher needs to read as well as every parent who makes the comment about teachers having the summer off. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book via Netgalley. ...more
Aug 14, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Whether you have just survived your first year as a teacher or are a seasoned veteran, you'll relate and laugh aloud at these witty observations. The accompanying art is delightful to behold. Whether you have just survived your first year as a teacher or are a seasoned veteran, you'll relate and laugh aloud at these witty observations. The accompanying art is delightful to behold. ...more
Dirty Dayna
Aug 18, 2017 rated it it was amazing
so first off.. I am not a teacher

and I LOVEDDD this book. its hilarious and witty and I have heard all my teacher friends say most of the stuff in this book. Its a good kindle book or a better next to your laptop as you frantically time out an agenda for class the next week book.

I was given an ARC of this and I just went and purchased it myself on amazon as a gift to a teacher friend of mine she is insanely religious and this book to my knowledge is not offensive and the humor is very clean. (

so first off.. I am not a teacher

and I LOVEDDD this book. its hilarious and witty and I have heard all my teacher friends say most of the stuff in this book. Its a good kindle book or a better next to your laptop as you frantically time out an agenda for class the next week book.

I was given an ARC of this and I just went and purchased it myself on amazon as a gift to a teacher friend of mine she is insanely religious and this book to my knowledge is not offensive and the humor is very clean. (it is still preorder for another month but worth it)

The art inside is lovely and I overall enjoyed it. this can be read in one sitting or just open the book to a random page for a giggle.

Donna Maguire
Oct 01, 2017 rated it really liked it
This is definitely the kind of book you would get for a Teacher friend as a present as I imagine a lot of the book rings true to them!! I thought it was a fun read with some great pictures - 4 stars from me for this one
Aug 05, 2017 rated it it was amazing
A very funny books that perfectly represent the reality of teaching with of course a touch of humor! All is well done and very funny, maybe even more funny if you work in education so you can relate more to it. All love it and recommend it strongly!

That is the perfect representation of what little editor, or self editing, can do at their best!

Aug 14, 2017 rated it really liked it
This is a collection of sayings, and ideas of what it is like to be a teacher. While a comedy, this book gets real. No teacher will say their class size is too small. No teacher ever will think they are paid too much for the work they do. A nice coffee table book for the teacher in your life.
The Suburban Eclectic
Bright and cheery graphics are eye catching and beautifully done. The narrative is decidely one-note and focuses on work gripes. The musings are relatable, but the humor is not sharp or snarky enought to offer biting commentary even though it wants to be. The style is just shy of corny and reminds me of those sarcastic Maxine calendars - not exactly gripping, but it might elicit a small chuckle or two.
Aug 10, 2017 rated it liked it
This was a funny book with punchy lines about teacher problems, like endless staff meeting and paperwork. It definitely showed the struggle of teachers lives in a humorous way. This book was well-designed, appealing to the eye. Oddly, some of the pages, like the thought bubbles of a teacher during staff meetings may apply to students as well. This might be a way to get a student to appreciate their good teachers more, as it shows the problems well and hints at deeper problems in the US education This was a funny book with punchy lines about teacher problems, like endless staff meeting and paperwork. It definitely showed the struggle of teachers lives in a humorous way. This book was well-designed, appealing to the eye. Oddly, some of the pages, like the thought bubbles of a teacher during staff meetings may apply to students as well. This might be a way to get a student to appreciate their good teachers more, as it shows the problems well and hints at deeper problems in the US education system. The only problem I had with it was that it seemed to apply moreso to elementary school teachers.

Review also available at:
A digital copy of this book was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Lisa Bentley
I am not a teacher and I can honestly say I have never wanted to be one. However, I do work in a school and I see the daily workings of the staff – how hard teachers work, their daily grind and how often their hard work is overlooked by senior staff.

Teachers celebrates all the wonderful things that a teacher does; all the trials and tribulations of the job. Whilst this book focuses more on American schools, all of the things mentioned are relatable to those who work in education.

This is a brilli

I am not a teacher and I can honestly say I have never wanted to be one. However, I do work in a school and I see the daily workings of the staff – how hard teachers work, their daily grind and how often their hard work is overlooked by senior staff.

Teachers celebrates all the wonderful things that a teacher does; all the trials and tribulations of the job. Whilst this book focuses more on American schools, all of the things mentioned are relatable to those who work in education.

This is a brilliant stocking filler of a book for all those hard working, underpaid, and under-appreciated teachers that you have in your life.

Teachers – There Is No Such Thing as Hot Coffee and Other Teacher Truths by Bored Teachers is available now.

Aug 23, 2017 rated it really liked it
"Teachers" is a fun and charming book that is a really great read. While most of the humor of Teachers is aimed at those who are or were professional teachers, there is still much to enjoy for those whom are not. We spend so much of our lives in school that teachers have had a huge impact on all of our lives. Teachers are underpaid and overworked and most of the time don't get the respect they deserve. Teachers literally shape the future, they are one of the biggest influences on generations of "Teachers" is a fun and charming book that is a really great read. While most of the humor of Teachers is aimed at those who are or were professional teachers, there is still much to enjoy for those whom are not. We spend so much of our lives in school that teachers have had a huge impact on all of our lives. Teachers are underpaid and overworked and most of the time don't get the respect they deserve. Teachers literally shape the future, they are one of the biggest influences on generations of kids. That they choose to teach, that they chose to do so because of the kids makes them forever amazing. ...more
Aug 09, 2017 rated it it was ok
The book was a humorous quick read, and as the daughter of a teacher, I remember my mom saying some of the phrases mentioned. Teachers, at least those in elementary schools will easily be able to relate to this book. For me, even though it was funny, it was a one-and-done book. I don't see myself deciding to read it for a second time. It may be because there wasn't a lot of content, or because I'm not actually a teacher, so I had a hard time truly relating.

There are a few teachers I know that wo

The book was a humorous quick read, and as the daughter of a teacher, I remember my mom saying some of the phrases mentioned. Teachers, at least those in elementary schools will easily be able to relate to this book. For me, even though it was funny, it was a one-and-done book. I don't see myself deciding to read it for a second time. It may be because there wasn't a lot of content, or because I'm not actually a teacher, so I had a hard time truly relating.

There are a few teachers I know that would love this book, so as far as being giftable, it does really well.

Carrie Griffin
This book is very funny. I'd like to give this book to any person who has ever made a comment about me for wanting to become a teacher. Or for those that believe teaching is the easiest thing in the world. It is the perfect book for teachers and made my day a little brighter.

* I was given this book for an honest review.

This book is very funny. I'd like to give this book to any person who has ever made a comment about me for wanting to become a teacher. Or for those that believe teaching is the easiest thing in the world. It is the perfect book for teachers and made my day a little brighter.

* I was given this book for an honest review.

A colourful presentation of pithy, stereotype-filled comments about school life from the adult point of view. I guess teachers don't have inspirational desk calendars at school, cos they'd all be nicked, but if they did they would get more out of one than this book, which is too brief and samey to be really fulfilling. Odd, too, that a gift book like this comes out in July. A colourful presentation of pithy, stereotype-filled comments about school life from the adult point of view. I guess teachers don't have inspirational desk calendars at school, cos they'd all be nicked, but if they did they would get more out of one than this book, which is too brief and samey to be really fulfilling. Odd, too, that a gift book like this comes out in July. ...more
Nov 18, 2017 rated it really liked it
While I'm not a teacher, many in my family are, and I recognized their stories throughout this book. I found myself literally laughing out loud! This would make a great gift or stocking stuffer for any teacher in your life.

This unbiased review is based upon a copy won through the Goodreads First Reads giveaway program.

While I'm not a teacher, many in my family are, and I recognized their stories throughout this book. I found myself literally laughing out loud! This would make a great gift or stocking stuffer for any teacher in your life.

This unbiased review is based upon a copy won through the Goodreads First Reads giveaway program.

Nicole (book.quill)
Cute collection, I've never been and never will be a teacher but I imagine anyone with experience in retail, customer service or child care could appreciate where some of these come from. That being said, teachers might want to pick up this ok just to feel less alone. Cute collection, I've never been and never will be a teacher but I imagine anyone with experience in retail, customer service or child care could appreciate where some of these come from. That being said, teachers might want to pick up this ok just to feel less alone. ...more
Tony S
Aug 22, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This is an amazing book that has an anecdote on each page that every teacher in the Country will relate to. They are witty and funny and at times far to accurate. This would make a fantastic present for any teacher for their birthday or Christmas.
Great read.
Oct 18, 2017 rated it liked it
I think you have to be a teacher to laugh out loud at this book. I found it mildly amusing and sort of sad at the same time.
It is well written and the illustrations are very nice but I don't have the background to really appreciate the humor.
I think you have to be a teacher to laugh out loud at this book. I found it mildly amusing and sort of sad at the same time.
It is well written and the illustrations are very nice but I don't have the background to really appreciate the humor.
Sep 05, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Teachers
This book would make a great gift for any teacher. Filled with "insider jokes" and great graphics, it's a book to re-read when the teaching going gets tough. This book would make a great gift for any teacher. Filled with "insider jokes" and great graphics, it's a book to re-read when the teaching going gets tough. ...more
Aug 04, 2017 rated it really liked it
This was super cute.
Very funny, very relatable, very true.
Gorgeous graphics.
I want to buy one for all of my teaching friends.
Didn't read only gave it as a gift Didn't read only gave it as a gift ...more

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